Wednesday, October 2, 2013

world lit english 2

Literature Analysis The book I have been reading is Blue like jazz, the plot of this is like a time line story the author also show case his before Christ days, his misconceptions of what Christianity was . One of the things the author says in his being notes that stuck to my heart and this might sound kind of byes on account of I’m a christen who services the lord and a intentional saxophone player who loves jazz music and can be a deep thinker but back to the essay (sorry for the tangent ). The things the author says that sticks is “NEVER LIKED JAZZ MUSIC because it doesn’t resolve “the author continue to tell a story how he can to love the art style of music and how he came to have the same relitazation when it can to Christ, he says, “sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself.” What I got from that was a remind because serving God can be had be as a christen were thought to live a life as a relationship with God and walk in his sons footsteps and learn from the word and to exercise it with evangelism and use it in are life to help us see how we can over a trial in life, the word of God is where you find enlightenment were you find direction were find answers today’s questions. The word is a key in life it directs and shows you the answers for things in your life, but back to the easy again the thing is being a Christian your life style should effect people to were when your around those unsaved and saved they just can see how you hand life and see the joy in your life even when you’re going through it, and be tempted to read things of God and continue to ask about him and being to want a relationship with God, being a christen means to be Christ like to live like he lived I know we all come short of his glory but it’s a point we need to make to repent when we fall and get back up and continue to walk the way of Christ. The theme of the novel is just finding Christ and seeing the light. The author begins to show how he had to find the relationship with Christ even with all the misconceptions he had, overcome different things and how he had friends who helped him see what the relationship with God was. The author dose a good great job of describing how he came to know Christ how he began he feel the presents of God in his life how he begins to see the works of God are real, how he sees the word of God isn’t just a book but it’s the answer to the questions in life and the problems we face. The authors tone shows a display of different emotions of how he began to rumens on how he saw saved, how he began to feel convicted when he did wrong, how in the being of his walk he began to get it twisted what he thought what God was, and what God really was. He describes God in the first chapter or two as a, “slot machine” and he realizes that what he thought was God was karma and how he would just repent to God when he did something wrong. He had a cycle of sinning and repenting, but there came time when his conviction was strong that he repented but he just felt so bad yet he couldn’t run from that conviction. The autos style of reading is he takes you to this place with a flash back then the he takes to a place of being the story, to sum up what I’m saying is he paints a picture so real you feel life your in the story or your being told it first hand from a story teller. The author (when I read the ch. Pagan sex) he use a lot of personification and similes that he use to bring a mess he manage to convey a complex message in such few words. I hope continue reading more in to this book it’s really a blessing to read its great for any one in Christ weather you have been saved for a while or just got saved recently.

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